Stephen Harper Vs Onion Ring

I'd vote for the Onion Ring party easily.

Stephen Harper plagiarizing speech

Stephen Harper wrapping himself in the American flag

Stephen Harper dancing on American flag for attention

Stephen Harper agreeing to go to climate summit

Stephen Harper behind closed doors

Stephen Harper throwing money at Separatism

Stephen Harper talking to cows

Stephen Harper sinking on melting ice

Blind Baby Conservative Kittens

Stephen Harper and a few of his Conservative buddies are taking a stroll when they come upon a little girl carrying a basket with a blanket over it near the Parliament building in Ottawa.

Curious, Prime Minister Stephen Harper asks the girl, 'What's in the basket?'
She replies, 'New baby kittens,' and she opens the basket to show him.

'How nice,' says Harper. 'What kind are they?' The little girl says, 'Conservatives.'

Harper smiles, pats the little girl on the head and continues on.

Three weeks later, Harper is taking another stroll, this time with his wife. They see the little girl again with the same basket. Harper says, 'Watch this, Laureen; it's really cute.' They approach the little girl. He greets the little girl and says 'how are the kittens doing, and she says, 'Fine.' Then, smirking, he nudges Layton with his elbow and asks the little girl, 'And can you tell us what kind of kittens they are?'

She replies, 'Liberals.'

Abashed, Harper says, 'But three weeks ago you said they were Conservatives!'

'I know,' she says. 'But now their eyes are open.'

Name a Canadian politician who acts really cocky but has only ever managed to win minority governments?

Name a Canadian politician who acts really cocky but has only ever managed to win minority governments?

Answer: Stephen Harper